SoMeWhErE SoMeHoW...I nEeD To eXpReSs mY fEElIn'...bUt WhEre??hErE Is A PLaCE wHere i caN Do n saY WhAt eVeR i LikE...sOmEwHErE sOmEhOw, ThIs bLOg sOmE SoRT LiKe mY cV..NgeH..PrOvE Of mY LiFE....

serius ke ko nk pinang ku nh??
ko x maen2??
bab kawen2 nh pling ku tkot..
bkn pe...xnk cerai berai..
cian family yg dh d bina tu..

x terpk ag..
klo ikt advices org2 len r..
jgn kawen awl..kmpul aset dlu..
sounds good..
n ade jgk kate..
cr awl2 siap2..
tkot dh lmbt sgt t dpt yg tua plak..
n ade jgk yg jd ank dre lanjut usia..
nth r ek..
x terpk ag kot..

sronok tgok org ade baby chomey2 nh..
tp cke tgok baby je r..
n yg chomey je..
yg x chomey, xtau r ek..

p/s : ble ko pertnjukkn ku tnda yg akn ko bg utk org yg akn menyayangi ko n akn terima ko seadenye..ku tau ko jujr...=)...smoga ko jmpe wanita yg leh menyintai n menjage ko sepnjng hyt nye....smoga berbahagia r ek..uhukz....

hatiku terdetik utk mengetahui keadaan dier yg jaoh d perantauan...
ku rndu ye...lame dh x npk..
chat ke ye..
ku br pas bce perkmbngn terbaru ye...
maaf sebb xdpt kol...
ku sbok..
harap ko chat...
stelh mengetahui serba cdikit ksh dier d bumi yg gersang (based on his blog)
somewhere somehow..
dier tlh bnyk berubh...
kdng2 rse cm tgok crite ayt2 cnte...
bile ye gne term trtntu ( allughah al-arabiah)
htiku tetbe terdetik..nape ku xleh ingt pe mksd perkataan2 tu??
ku rase nk menitis air mate..
ku tlah jaoh dr sasaran..
pndidikn agame yg ku trime sejk dr bngku skolah bnyk dh yg ku tggl kn kcuali yg
pnting shje..
ya allah...
ampunkn la hmba mu ini...

p/s:~~~semntara pntu taubat maseh terbuke...sahabt..maafkn ku....

PENCURI!!!!!!! i really hate them very much..

memg ku mrh sgt...
pe r dosa ku kat mereka2 nh...
nape msti dngki periuk nasi owg???
dosa ko ngn tuhan ko tanggung r sndri...
klo btol lapor n nak, btau r
"saya lapr n xde duet...sorry"
kn seng
ku halalkn klo ko wat gtu..
tp jgn r mncuri...

cian parent kowg..
hntr blaja tnggi2 tp ank jd malin...
dunia n manusia....

somewhere somehow...
hanya Allah yg maha melihat tahu pe yg ko tlh lakukn...


MaEn TekAn


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