SoMeWhErE SoMeHoW...I nEeD To eXpReSs mY fEElIn'...bUt WhEre??hErE Is A PLaCE wHere i caN Do n saY WhAt eVeR i LikE...sOmEwHErE sOmEhOw, ThIs bLOg sOmE SoRT LiKe mY cV..NgeH..PrOvE Of mY LiFE....

hye..nh 1st time ku bkak blog nh..actly x rse pn nk bkak cz rse cm x pting tu r...kdng2 nk gk luah kn perasaan nh..hukhuk..even ade besfwen pn, xsume bnda kte leh cte kat ye..tol x?
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