SoMeWhErE SoMeHoW...I nEeD To eXpReSs mY fEElIn'...bUt WhEre??hErE Is A PLaCE wHere i caN Do n saY WhAt eVeR i LikE...sOmEwHErE sOmEhOw, ThIs bLOg sOmE SoRT LiKe mY cV..NgeH..PrOvE Of mY LiFE....

look beautiful, but still different

1 time = almost similar
second time = totally different

snow white among dayang senandung...
a beauty among the beast
a lady with matches among the richie rich....
a troublemaker among the good boys....

differrent than others??
will they survive among that group which is not belong to them??
can they live happily?

like "nike" said ==>> nothing is impossible...
as long we don create mess, everything will just fine...

p/s: sometimes i feel weird, how can i be wif them at the 1st place?
now i see, someway somehow, we actually not meant to be together..
but those precious memory will never fade


kdng2 best jd len dr yg len...menarik perhatian..huhuhuhu

temptation appears!!


MaEn TekAn


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