is it true that love never fails??
then..how come clash, divorce n all of them can happen??
sume nye dh rse kot..
ku pn menyayangi some1 this time..
seorg insan..
terima ku seada nye n ku mulai syg ye..
ku akui ku xcke ye...
sbb prangai ye..
ye berubh..ikhlas n npk jujur ..
sabar...nth r..klo rungkai 1 1, bnyk kot...huhu
xtau r bnde nh 4eva o just utk awl2 nh je...
prasaan ku???
cm ku ckp, ku syg ye..even jaoh, ku rse dekt cz ye ade anytime utk ku..
tq kpd insan tersebt...
ade bnde yg msih menggngu fikirn ku..
kapel ke??
x r...ku xnk...fobia dh ngn kapel nh..badi...
someway somehow...to tht person...
be honest wif me n tq so much....

jujur dgn dia...dia jujur la blk..give and take my dear..
hope u will happy till da end of ur life...
ckt lg..semoge bhagia n be strong.gudluck in ur study,,=)
jiwang pnye post!!!
Genial fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
b hepi with what u have..b greatful 4 what u've gone through..b strong..n understanding n also honest..then will love never fails u..
thanx all...=)
sometimes love make me pissed off..
to timon cino>>jiwng ea??kawe meme jiwng pm..hahahaah...i try to chnge to be some1 matured..huhuh
pissed off?
apesal lah pompuan suker sgt tulis benda jiwang mcm nie?heh!
pissed off gk kdng2...cz kdng2 kite cm d tikm dr blakng kot...
budak hantu>> cz woman always want to express their feelin...
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